By Jim Bliesner
Civic San Diego (Civic SD) has recently been holding community dialogue sessions facilitated by Cheryl Phelps and the new Director Reese Jarrett, both veterans of community and economic development in San Diego.
The first session was inclusive and allowed input. The second event featured a panel of downtown experts with limited community engagement. The third will happen at the City Heights library (3795 Fairmount Ave) on January 8 at 5:30PM.
According to the announcement “On January 8, 2015, Civic San Diego will hold a third convening regarding its new initiative to create a broad-based collaborative network of stakeholders to inform the development of our Community Benefits goals. This convening will introduce the online engagement platform where, over the next several weeks, stakeholders will be able to share their interests, collaborate to evolve ideas, and identify and prioritize shared values for their neighborhoods.” The process will result in some goals and values from the perspective of Civic SD. The neighborhoods might have a different idea in mind and see the need for some serious negotiations.