Editor's Note: Since it seems like our local daily newspaper can't find enough good things to say about Texas Governor Rick Perry, we thought we'd present the point of view of a Texan who's living through his reign...
by Libby Shaw /Daily Kos
I did not want my tombstone to read, 'She kept a really clean house.' I think I'd like them to remember me by saying, 'She opened government to everyone.' Ann Richards.
Ann Richards served as Governor of Texas 1990-1994. This was a great place to live until Governors Bush and Perry ruined it.
Now that we know the Governor's political appointees have turned the state's taxpayer funded
cancer prevention institute (CPRIT) into a cash cow for themselves and their cronies in the medical and pharmaceutical fields,
state legislators want to take a hard look at two of Rick Perry's pet projects. This is especially necessary now that CPRIT is under
criminal investigation.
These funds would be none other than the
Texas Enterprise Fund and the
Emerging Technology Fund. These funds were created as a means by which to attract businesses to the state as well as to advance various technologies here.
But both have been shrouded in secrecy with little oversight or accountability.